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    State-Sponsored Weaponization of ChatGPT: AI Turns Cyber Warfare Threat

    cyberwarfare ai

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world. We see it in self-driving cars, facial recognition software, and our favorite streaming recommendations. But what happens when this powerful technology falls into the wrong hands? Recent revelations from Microsoft and OpenAI (developers of ChatGPT) confirm a chilling reality: state-sponsored hackers are turning the advanced language model […] More

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    Acer has been hacked, and their customer data have been compromised.

    Acer skyscrapers from below

    Acer has confirmed that a cyber attack hit their Indian offices, and the Desorden Group hacker group stole 60GB of files from company servers. The cybercriminal group stole company business and financial data along with customer information. In addition, Acer’s Indian resellers were also hacked, with some of the logins compromised. The company quickly admitted […] More

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    Hackers managed to manipulate Twitter’s algorithm for years.

    twitter on the screen of a black smartphone in a mans hand

    A new study has discovered a vulnerability in Twitter’s trending algorithm that makes the platform susceptible to astroturfing attacks. Astroturfing attacks are when undisclosed paid employees of corporations and government organizations attempt to get their message and their views out to the public by using social media networks. To give a false appearance of natural […] More

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    Insiders Pose The Greatest Risk To Company’s Cyber Security


    password security log in technology

    Employees are a company’s weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity. A certain amount of employee negligence, which is when an employee is unaware of how his/her careless actions leave a company vulnerable to attack, is unavoidable but those risks can be mitigated. Some reports claim that malicious insiders account for 27% of all cybercrime. […] More